Honorary Black Belt Awarded

The rank of black belt is a prestigious distinction, and for a traditional martial art school such as ours, it takes years of dedication, patience, training, and a positive mental attitude. A black belt is not something you wear; it is something you are. The physical skills and discipline of a black belt are superficial to those who have committed themselves to training in the Art; the rank comes with a responsibility to improve the community and the lives of others.
On Saturday, July 10, 2021, Grandmaster Crandall presented Mr. John Strachen with his certificate recognizing him as an honorary black belt. The presentation was originally planned for December 2020, but due to covid-19 restrictions and safety concerns, the ceremony was postponed until this past Saturday.
The certificate reads:
American Martial Arts Insitute
American Eagle Style
recognizes Mr. John Strachen
as an Honorary Black Belt
in recognition of his years of community service through his business and private acts to better the lives and health of his fellow community members. His personal initiative during the COVID-19 crisis to assist our school and other businesses to maintain clean and germ-free environments has brought piece of mind and ensured the health and safety of our school and community.
The tradition of the martial arts was to allow individuals to develop and strengthen themselves in every way possible so as to better their life, their families and the community they lived in. Traditional martial arts schools still abide by this underlying belief.
CEO Eric Stalloch of the web-based agency Secure Living has joined with Grandmaster Clifford C. Crandall, Jr. and the American Martial Arts Institute to recognize this community leader by recognizing him as an Honorary Black Belt First Degree on December 4, 2020.
The certificate is signed and sealed by Grandmaster Crandall and Headmaster Stalloch.
Thank you to Mr. Strachen for all he has done for our school and the community.