For 29 years, the “FunShop” has been building self-confidence, leadership, and social skills

School was out, but the learning continued for Central New York Students at the American Martial Arts Institute’s FunShop!
On February 17 and 18, children ages 5-12, attended an all-day educational program designed to help students develop self-confidence and improve self-esteem through fun activities.
“Reducing screen time can be a real challenge when kids are on break,’” said Headmaster Eric Stalloch, a full-time high school science teacher and the event’s organizer. “At the FunShop, students stay active. Each day is filled with traditional martial arts training and self-defense, but it is focused on special classes such as chess, obstacle courses, teambuilding exercises, good manners, and educational games.”
The program was designed by Grandmaster Clifford C. Crandall, a retired superintendent of schools and founder of the American Martial Arts Institute.
This was the 29th year of the FunShop and the students become more well-rounded and better prepared for success in school, sports, and family commitments.
Some of this year's activities included Obstancle Course, Scavenger Hunt, Team Building Competitions, Sumo Bubbles, Chess, Flying Side Kicks on the Hanging Bag, The Floor is Lava (with Kicks!), Extension Tools, The Giant Inflatable Target, Spin the Wheel, Katas to Music, and much more. Several students were put up to test for their next rank as a result of the growth the demonstrated in their physical skills, style knowledge, and martial arts attitude.
Looking forward to the one-day Summer FunShop later this year!
