Corvettes Keeping Seniors Healthy - Article

Grandmaster Crandall was recently published in the February 2023 Vette Vues Magazine with his article: "Corvettes Keeping Seniors Healthy."
For more than 50 years Grandmaster Crandall has spearheaded community initiatives focused on health, awareness, and personal safety.
Past groups have included:
children (he was the CNY spokesman for the McDonald's Corporation for child safety appearing alongside Ronald McDonald in PSAs for child),
women's safety (through women's self defense seminars, his instructional video, and the book Women's Self Defense in a Changing World),
individuals who are blind or visually impaired (though CAVBI, Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and a PSA with Freedom Guidedogs),
Veterans (through the Warrior Cane Project and and special seminars),
Cancer Surviors (through his Pink Belt program with the American Cancer Society),
People with Disablities (through special seminars his book Moving Beyond Disabilities) and
many other groups.
He beleives that traditional martial artists have a responsiblity to make a positive difference in their community. Now 75 years old, his current focus is on seniors, and his initiative is called Still Alive and Kicking.
The goal is to encourage seniors to become involved with different activities that will
1) stimulate their minds,
2) move their emotions, and
3) get them physically active for a better quality of life.
The February 2023 issue of Vette Vue Magazine features an article by Grandmaster Crandall about how classic cars are one type of activity that can fulfill these activities, either by attending a car show, joining a car club, or through a car of their own. For more suggestions, columns, and free videos from Still Alive And Kicking, you can visit StillAliveAndKicking.Org
You can read the full article below:
