Cane Seminar for 50 Forward Mohawk Valley

For over 60 years 50 Forward Mohawk Valley has been providing programs and services to individuals 50+ empowering them to live healthy and vibrant lives.
On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, the American Martial Arts Institute volunteered their professional time and skills to present a cane seminar for 20 participants at 50 Forward. The seminar was offered through the American Eagle Cane Style, which is one of the four styles taught under the umbrella of the American Martial Arts Institute school.
This 45 minute seminar was organized and present by Instructor Maria Quintal, a first degree black belt and assistant instructor in the American Eagle Cane Style with support from Headmaster Stalloch and Grandmaster Crandall who were also present to assist.
The seminar was free to 50 Forward members and open to the public for a small registration fee which was covered by a donation from the American Martial Arts Institute. Training canes were also provided for participants to borrow.

The participatory seminar included basic defensive postures and techniques including tip and lunge strikes, clearing movements designed to create space such as swings, and counters such as low and high strikes. Self defense techniques were also practice with partners for common grabs and assault scenarios. The seminar included information about using the cane in inclimate weather with special equipment such as ice grippers, and much more.
The seminar was a lot of fun and everyone left better informed and excited about what the cane could do to help assist in their personal safety.
There was even a drawing for give aways.
A copy of the book Moving Beyond Disabilities (authored by Grandmaster Crandall and Master Linda Moller) was donated to the 50 Forward Mohawk Valley facility.