Black Belt Testing Results
On Saturday, May 21, 2022 the American Martial Arts Institute held two black belt testings, one for adult ranks and one for junior rank candidates. A total of five students tested before Grandmaster Crandall and a panel of Master Instructors, 6th degree and 5th degree black belt instructors. Grandmaster Crandall is pleased to announce that all five individuals have passed, and he presented them with their new ranks.
Black belt is a prestigious rank, one recognized around the world. In the American Eagle Style, there are ten black belt ranks called degrees or Dan. Only the head of the school may hold the rank of 10th Dan, and this person determines its direction and certifies its instructors. For the American Martial Arts Institute, this is Grandmaster Crandall. Prior to earning 1st Degree black belt there are 8 gyups (belt ranks) that must first be earned. All students begin as white belts and test for each rank, maturing in the style through its traditional process. On average, it can take a student 5 to 8 years to earn the rank for 1st Dan (although it can be longer), with the minimum length between each rank being 6 months. Once an individual has earned 1st Dan, the length time between ranks can vary from 2-4 years being very normal. Again, it can be longer.
One student tested for junior rank black belt; three students tested for adult rank 1st degree black belt, and one student tested for 2nd degree black belt. All of the students had to complete a rigorous written exam testing their knowledge of our style and school. The candidates for first degree had to know and be able to perform the eight pal-gwes, chugli 1, eye of the eagle, and ki-chos 1-3. In addition the candidate for adult status had to demonstrate the form Old Koryo. The candidate for 2nd Dan had to demonstrate the katas: Heian 1, Chulgi 2, Chip Su, Geum Gang, and New Koryo. In addition to the katas candidates had to perform self defense, seiza waza, standing waza, ippon kumites, hanza escape techniques, sparring, multiple partner sparring, extension tool katas, board breaks, and much more.
Candidates also had to be knowledgeable about some of our school's publications including: American Eagle Style Textbook, American Eagle Style Self Defense Volume 1 DVD, Be Safe Mentally and Physically with the Crandall System, Leadership Piece by Piece, American Martial Arts Institute Guidebook, Moving Beyond Disabilities, Women's Self Defense in a Changing World, and others.
The candidates for 1st dan had to write a paper and complete other pre-requisites to qualify to be considered for testing.
Congratulations to
Caden Salsberg - 1st Degee Black Belt (Junior Rank Status)

Elise Mozloom - 1st Degree Black Belt (Adult Status)

Ed Salsberg - 1st Degree Black Belt (Adult Status)

Allison Ellis - 1st Degree Black Belt (Adult Status)

Matthew Michaels - 2nd Degree Black Belt
