Headmaster Promotion

On Saturday, June 15, Master Eric Stalloch was recognized as the First Headmaster of the American Eagle Cane Style of martial arts and promoted to the Art’s highest distinction, 10th Degree Black Belt. Master Stalloch is the proprietor of the American Martial Arts Institute in New Hartford, New York, and has been training under Grandmaster Clifford Crandall in 1989.
The American Eagle Cane Style was founded by three well-recognized traditional martial artists: Clifford Crandall Jr., Eric Stalloch, and Lynn Jessee. Together the three published a textbook documenting the style, released 10 instructional DVDs on cane self-defense, have been published in Inside Kung Fu, Action, Taekwondo Times, and other leading martial arts magazines, taught Wounded Warriors, appeared on the Today Show.com for a cane seminar for seniors, and presented the cane in Australia, Italy, and the Caribbean. They have also taught seminars for the blind and visually impaired.

10th Degree black belt is traditionally the highest rank in the martial arts, signifying an individual as the head and leader of the style. This person is most commonly referred to with the title of either Grandmaster or Headmaster, and it can only be bestowed on the individual by another Grandmaster or Headmaster. While Crandall, Stalloch, and Jessee have overseen the growth and direction of the style together since its inception, Grandmaster Crandall and Master Lynn Jessee have chosen to elevate Master Stalloch to the position of Headmaster, making him the sole head for this style. Grandmaster Crandall will continue to be the Grandmaster of the American Martial Arts Institute school of martial arts and American Eagle Style, while Stalloch will now serve as the Headmaster for the American Eagle Cane Style.
The rank promotion took place at 11 am on Saturday, June 15 at the American Martial Arts Institute’s Children’s Community Fun Day which was open to the public.