PSAs with Blue Sox and New Hartford PD
The American Martial Arts Institute is a traditional martial arts school, and as such, it upholds the historic philosophy that martial artists have a responsibility to their school and their community. Part of this responsibility is to make a positive difference in the world, to be a leader. One of the ways that this school has chosen to fulfill this obligation is by sharing knowledge regarding health, awareness, and personal safety.
The American Martial Arts Institute and Secure Living Online have created a public service safety campaign called Secure Living, which partners with local and national agencies to bring safety information to people of all ages. Grandmaster Crandall and Master Stalloch write the scripts, organize the people who appear in the PSAs (students from the American Martial Arts Institute) and partner with agencies. Media organizations donate time and professional skills to film and edit the spots, which are distributed through social media such as FaceBook, online at AMAI-EagleStyle and SecureLivingOnline, and air on television. Other organizations may serve as sponsors, financially backing the distribution of the segments.
Recently, we partnered with the Utica Blue Sox to produce two safety segments for playing outside. George Deak, the Blue Sox's owner arranged for Donovan, the Blue Sox Mascot to appear in the PSAs with Grandmaster Crandall and Master Stalloch, and he sponsored for the filming and editing of the segments by Made in Utica. We also partnered with the New Hartford Police Department and Obernesser Media to produce two segments on safety "outside and online". Chuck Obernesser, the owner of Obernesser Media, filmed and edited the PSAs donating his professional time and skills.
If you are interested in partnering with the American Martial Arts Institute for a PSA on community safety, contact us at 315.768.1859 or through Facebook.Com/AmericanMartialArtsInstitute