Guinness World Record Set
On July 23, 1998 Guinness Book of Records confirmed in writing that this jump is now a new world record, that Grand Master Crandall would receive a Guinness Book Certificate and has now established the world record for breaking a board while skydiving. This was done as part of a publicity event to raise awareness regarding the need for child abduction prevention education. Grandmaster Crandall told the press present, "It shouldn't be safer for me to jump from a plane, fall 120 miles per hour, and break a board, than it is for some children to walk home from school."

Getting Close!

Record Established!
Clifford C. Crandall Jr. and Paul Kollias successfully established a Guinness Book World Record by breaking the 1x12x10 pine board with a bare-handed lunge punch horizontal to the free fall wind in a time of 29 seconds after leaving the plane at an altitude of 5,200 feet above the ground while falling at a rate of 120 miles an hour.

The team that made this all possible from left to right: Skip Ryan, Jim Stahl, Clifford Crandall Jr., Paul Kollias, Ken Griep, Kay Hoiby, Peter Crosby.