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The American Eagle Cane Style is a traditional martial art for adult men and women who seek to improve quality of life. Students train...

Cane Seminar for 50 Forward Mohawk Valley
For over 60 years 50 Forward Mohawk Valley has been providing programs and services to individuals 50+ empowering them to live healthy...

Honorary Black Belt Awarded
The rank of black belt is a prestigious distinction, and for a traditional martial art school such as ours, it takes years of dedication,...

Scholarship Awarded to Former Red-Top
CRANDALL-STALLOCH COMMUNITY SAFETY SCHOLARSHIP Supporting Continuing Education and Community Service We are pleased to announced that...

Teen Seminar Day 2019
This year's teenage seminar day was held on Saturday, October 26. The seminar is taught by Grandmaster Crandall, Headmaster Stalloch,...

FunShop 2019
The American Martial Arts Institute held its annual Martial Arts Program for 6-12 year olds, called the FunShop, on April 16 and 17...
Open System Promotion
Results for the performance evaluation held at the American Martial Arts Institute on January 28, 2019 Anthony Rocco, Jr. is now graded...

First Americanized Eagle Kendo Class
Kendo for Fun! The first Americanized Eagle Kendo class was held on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Kendo is, historically, a Japanese form...

Teen Seminar Day 2018
This year's teenage seminar day was held on Saturday, October 13. The seminar is taught by Grandmaster Crandall, Master Stalloch, and...

FunShop Friend Night
On Monday, March 5, we held our FunShop Friend Night. This special class was invitation only, exclusively for students who participated...
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