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AMERICAN MARTIAL ARTS INSTITUTE Current Students Call: 315-768-1859


On July, 6, 2024, the American Eagle Style held a performance at Mount Rushmore. The oldest fully documented American martial art style.

Black Belt Testing Results - American Eagle Cane Style
1 STUDENT EARNS BLACK BELT, 1ST DEGREE The martial arts has grown tremendously in the United States. In the 1950s and 60s Americans...

Black Belt Testing Results - American Eagle Cane Style
3 STUDENTS EARN BLACK BELT RANKS The martial arts has grown tremendously in the United States. In the 1950s and 60s Americans became...

New Cane Style Instructor
One of the truest tests for a traditional martial art style is the test of time. Will it be carefully tended, protected, and passed on...

Appalachian Trail Inspiration
As Grandmaster of the American Martial Arts Institute, I am very proud of the individual achievements of its many certified black belts...

Honorary Black Belt Awarded
The rank of black belt is a prestigious distinction, and for a traditional martial art school such as ours, it takes years of dedication,...

Scholarship Awarded to Former Red-Top
CRANDALL-STALLOCH COMMUNITY SAFETY SCHOLARSHIP Supporting Continuing Education and Community Service We are pleased to announced that...

Black Belt Testing Results
Four students have tested and earned new black belt ranks! Black belt is a prestigious rank, one recognized around the world. In the...

Black Belt Test Results
Five students have tested and earned new black belt ranks! With the temporary closing of our school doors for regular in person classes...

New Staff Members
The American Martial Arts Institute is proud to announce that Grandmaster Crandall awarded Miss Maria Quintal and Mr. Matthew Strachen...
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